In.Plano, Paris
8th – 15th of June, 2019 

Make Love by a Trashcan

Group exhibition with Santiago Esses, Gabriel Mores Aquino, Caroline Reveillaud, Felipe Vasquez, Carolina Zaccaro with a special intervention by Enzo Mianes.

For the sake of humans and nature, it is imperative to come up with alternatives to the exploitative and destructive practices of colonial modernity.1

Make love by a trashcan is an expression I overheard; in New Jersey people say it. I’m sure it means well, but it’s probably bad. When I was thinking about this show, I thought about how we work and what we do, and this expression resonated more and more with the existing dynamics in this field. It made sense to think for a moment that the difference between making love or performing sex had something to do with what I aimed to express. To make love is an action of hope and connection - where we do it is the problem.

Making love is one of the most beautiful and intimate things we can share with another human in a non–verbal act as opposed to performing sex, which is just that, a performance. A mere action or series of automated movements no complex being is capable of doing.

The works presented in this exhibition share a common drive, an urgency to communicate with love and tenderness, a curiosity to explore intangible territories, and new ways of communication; the possibility of communicating anew is what sustains their narrative. The exhibition is charged with symbolic language, outweighing formal modes of communication or the need for the concrete as a proposition for a changeover of power. New tools for combat and communication may be developed in a world where listening has become increasingly rare and an alignment between ancestral tools and contemporary technologies is becoming growingly necessary.

Noelia Portela, Saint – Denis, June 2019.

Download the full exhibition text here.